The smoker dilemma for health insurance
Since smokers’ health-care costs tend to be higher than those of nonsmokers, is it reasonable for smokers to pay higher premiums when they buy insurance through the new state marketplaces that are...
View ArticleFew Medicaid Docs Have Seen 2013 Pay Raise
Most primary care doctors are still waiting for that Medicaid pay raise that was scheduled to begin in January under the Affordable Care Act, but a federal official says the government has now...
View ArticleTexas Health Care Providers Bracing for Medicaid Enrollment
Under Gov. Rick Perry’s leadership, Texas will not expand Medicaid eligibility to poor adults. But enrollment in the state’s health program for indigent children and the disabled will still swell in...
View ArticleReaders Ask How Divorce, Student Status Will Affect Marketplace Applications
As the open enrollment period continues for coverage on the state health insurance marketplaces, people continue to have many questions about buying a plan there. A. If a couple divorces, each person’s...
View ArticleIn states not expanding Medicaid, poor could still get Obamacare help
WASHINGTON • Some of the millions of poor people expected to lose out on Obamacare coverage next year because their states are not expanding Medicaid might have a way to get help, but the strategy...
View ArticleNearly Half Of U.S. Births Are Covered By Medicaid, Study Finds
About half the births in the United States are paid for by Medicaid — a figure higher than previous estimates – and the numbers could increase as the state-federal health insurance program expands...
View ArticleObamacare enrollment deadline: Millions without health insurance seek to...
FORT WORTH, Texas -- Stephanie Daugherty earns too much from her part-time job at a doctor's office to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to comfortably afford one of the health plans for sale...
View ArticleCould Medicaid Expansion Debate Turn Into An Immigration Issue?
Florida lawmakers backing expansion of the state’s Medicaid program plan to mount a new argument this legislative session: That voting against extending the program would deprive low-income U.S....
View ArticleIRS Ruling On Same-Sex Couples Has Implications For Health Law
Thursday’s announcement that the federal government will give the same tax treatment to legally married same-sex couples as they do to heterosexual couples may have ripple effects for the 2010 health...
View ArticleReaders Ask: What Options Do Parents Have To Get Coverage For Their Kids?
As the October launch of the state health insurance marketplaces approaches, parents have many questions about covering their children. Q. Why is it that the adult children of retired members of the...
View ArticleFederal Insurance Marketplace Can’t Yet ‘Talk’ To State Medicaid Agencies
The health law’s online insurance exchanges were supposed to be a one-stop shop where consumers browsing for coverage could enroll in a private health plan or in Medicaid if they qualified. But that...
View ArticleReport: 5.2 Million Adults Will Fall Into ACA Coverage Gap Next Year
About 5.2 million poor, uninsured adults will fall into the “coverage gap,” created by 26 states choosing not to expand Medicaid under the federal health law next year, according to a study released...
View ArticleSix Things That May Move Public Perception Of Obamacare
Nearly four years after President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law promising the biggest expansion of health care coverage in half a century, the public remains deeply split over...
View ArticleHow Much Of A Subsidy Will You Get In Obamacare? Here’s An Estimate
If you buy your own health insurance, you’ve no doubt heard that subsidies will be available next year to help pay the premiums. But will you get a subsidy and how much? Researchers at the Kaiser...
View ArticleEstimate the subsidy you'll get in Obamacare
If you buy your own health insurance, you’ve no doubt heard that subsidies will be available next year to help pay the premiums. But will you get a subsidy and how much? Researchers at the Kaiser...
View ArticleSouth Carolina rejected Medicaid expansion, but numbers will still go up
Kaiser Health News WASHINGTON — Like half the states, South Carolina chose not to expand Medicaid under the federal health law next year, citing the program’s high costs and inefficiency. Yet state...
View ArticleReport: Even States Not Expanding Medicaid Will See Surge In Spending,...
Medicaid enrollment is expected to surge by nearly 12 percent next year in states expanding the program under the health law, but even states that will not expand eligibility project a 5 percent jump...
View ArticleLaw Will Shift Demographics For Medicaid Toward Healthier Group, Study Finds
The health law is expected to change the face of Medicaid – literally. As part of the federal overhaul, some states have opted to expand in January this state-federal health insurance program for low...
View ArticleState’s poorest could be left without health insurance if Medicaid expansion...
Related Items If Gov. John Kasich decides against expanding the state’s Medicaid program, more than 600,000 of the poorest Ohioans could remain without health insurance while those with slightly higher...
View ArticleFinding health insurance options after the Affordable Care Act
Open enrollment for the new health care marketplace is well underway, and 20- and 30-somethings are signing up for coverage. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, more than half a...
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